Thursday, 16 July 2009

Animal Magic

"Someone told me its all happening at the zoo, I do believe it, I do believe its true!"

Today I visited the Zoo to take some photos of the Animals, I was especially interested in taking animal portraits which is why many of these photographs are cropped, and mostly feature the animals faces. I was especially interested in taking the portraits of the monkeys and apes as their human like expressions are really captivating!

All photographs Copyright Of Carly Jane York , Carly Jane Photography

Monday, 13 July 2009

Baby, you can drive my car,...

Some of my automotive photography...
I consider this genre to be my photographic forté, and one of my favourite subjects, Mostly VWs but will soon post some of other vehicals too.
All Photographs Copyright of Carly Jane York , Carly Jane Photography
Today Me and Hannah went into town to do a photo shoot for her blog. Shed just recently purchased a bargain of a Tshirt on ebay which she wanted to do a feature on. And I wanted to get some more fashion shoot practace in! For this particular photoshoot we went to some gothic-y looking places, to get a spooky atmostphere!
All Photographs copyright of Carly Jane York, Carly Jane Photography

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Marrakech Express

Travel photography is something ive been leaning towards for a while now, that and documentary/photo journalism. Here are just afew of the photos I took whilst in Marrakech, Morocco. I also have more examples of my travelling photography of various places yet to post, so keep watching!

All Photographs Copyright of Carly Jane York, Carly Jane Photography

Dancing Queen

My good friend Hannah, always picture perfect...Check out her fashion inspired blog at

For these next photographs, I guess I wanted to create a set of images that would work well as an ultimate piece. For these portraits I have taken inspiration from Photographer Man Ray. These photographs demonstrate movement and fluidity through dance, which i wanted to recreate through the medium of photography. To create these images, I shot Hannah as she was dancing to get a better and more natural effect.All Photographs Copyright of Carly Jane York, Carly Jane Photography

Faded Seaside Glamour

For me, Photographer Martin Parr is one of the most inspirational Photographers, his sense of humour combined with his clever eye beautifully capture golden moments of British identity, through his own interpretation.
For this particular photoshoot, I decided to work in the style of Martin Parr and see what i could come up with...

Although Documentary is one of my favourite types of photography, I find it the hardest to work in, However with a little more practace I should come up with some more intreguing shots! So watch this space!

All Photographs Copywrite of Carly Jane York, Carly Jane Photography.